Welcome to Paymentwall Support

We are here to assist you whether you have a problem with the payment or need help setting up your business operations.

Payment methods

How many payment methods do you have?

Paymentwall partners with global payments processing companies to provide online billing solution with over 160 payment methods which include ewallets, mobile, prepaid cards, payment kiosks, debit cards, bank transfers and more. All of these payment options will allow you to accept payments from all over the world whether you are selling goods or provide online services.

I need mobile payments, can Paymentwall help?

Yes, check out Mobiamo. This would be the ideal mobile product for you as it covers all the regions in the world with the best payouts and the best conversion rates. We combine all the mobile payment companies we work with to create the best mobile payment product for you.

I already offer credit card payments to my users. What else do I need?

You are only covering a percentage of your users. By signing up with Paymentwall, you will have full coverage in more than 200 countries with local options for each of these markets. If you cannot decide which payment options to set up, you can work closely with our optimization team in getting the most out of Paymentwall's services. To find out more, please check out the Optimization Consulting Service.

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