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Test Payment Method

Test Payment method allows merchants to check how the payment process works without making real payments.

You can find this method in Payment Systems section of your Project. By default it is deactivated, in order to activate it, please click the On/Off switch so that it becomes On. Also, please activate the countries where you would like to test it using the Countries link.


By default, Test Payment method is available only if project status is not Live.

This prevents real end-users from using this payment method. In order to load the widget that is mapped to project which status is not Live yet, please log into your merchant account in the same browser session. Alternatively, you can pass evaluation=1 parameter during the widget call (requires widget signature with at least version 2, more details on signature: Signature Calculation documentation).

If the status of your project is already Live, you can always create a new one just for test purposes. Alternatively, you can pass test_mode=1 parameter during the widget call (requires widget signature with at least version 2, more details on signature: Signature Calculation documentation).

If you're using Paymentwall Uni widget (single payment option), you also need to pass ps=test parameter during the widget call.

Payment Flow

1. Widget.

This is how Test Payment method is visible in the widget:

Upon clicking the Buy button two events happen:

  • Thank You page is displayed to the user. An example is described below.
  • Test pingback is sent. An example is described below.

2. Thank you page.

If you would like to display Continue link that takes users back to your website, please use success_url GET parameter of widget URL to pass the URL of your success page.

3. Pingback

When Buy button in the widget is clicked for Test Payment method, a test pingback is sent. It has the actual parameters that are being passed into the widget or defined in the widget:

  • uid - according to the value passed in uid parameter of the widget URL
  • currency, goodsid, slength, speriod - according to the selection in the widget or according to widget params in case of Flexible Widget Call for Digital Goods API
  • ref - defined as t + unix timestamp, e.g. t1356510177
  • any custom parameters that are passed into the widget if such parameters are configured
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