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Offerwall Android SDK

Our Offerwall Android SDK minimizes the development time to integrate Offerwall in your application with some simple steps. Follow our instructions and start earning today!

How does it work?

You (Merchant) need to create the button that will call the SDK to show Offerwall. We suggest the following names for the button:

  • Earn virtualCurrencyName
  • Earn free virtualCurrencyName

The OfferWall SDK is called with a block method and displays a pop-up dialog with the Offerwall widget.


Your mobile integration requires a Project Key and a Widget Version Code (mw1 or mw6, where mw6 is the brand new one) of your choice.

You can obtain these Paymentwall API credentials from the application settings of your Merchant Account at


You can integrate Paymentwall Offerwall SDK using 3 methods

  • Method 1: Using jCenter repo, add this line to your gradle config:

compile 'com.paymentwall.sdk:offerwallsdk:1.0.0'

  • Method 2: Clone it from github:

git clone Then import the module "OfferwallSDK" to your project.

  • Method 3: Download this AAR file and add it to your libs directory. To get the file, Download here. Our SDK depends on appcompat-v7 and design libraries, please add the following lines to your gradle config if you don't use them:
compile ''
compile ''

How to use

Start Offerwall Activity

OfferwallRequest request = new OfferwallRequest();
// Please set your project key, secret key and user ID
Intent offerwallIntent = new Intent(mContext, OfferwallActivity.class);
offerwallIntent.putExtra(OfferwallActivity.EXTRA\_OFFERWALL\_REQUEST, request);
startActivityForResult(offerwallIntent, REQUEST\_CODE);

Offerwall configuration

To set up Offerwall, please select the proper values for an OfferwallRequest, then pass it to the OfferwallActivity. OfferwallRequest is a convenient class for setting up parameters. It simply follows Virtual currency parameters.


Offerwall Android SDK is released under the Apache v2 license.

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